The Spectrum of Dog Sociability

“Dog sociability is a spectrum… a small number of dogs are very ‘dog social’… but we see them EVERYWHERE, because they CAN go everywhere!” (image credit)

The majority of dogs are “dog selective,” and this is totally normal! I don’t enjoy the company of every human I meet, so why would I expect my dog to like every dog they meet? Dog training and education to know when/how to advocate for your dog, helps lead “dog selective” dogs towards becoming dogs who CAN go everywhere too!

Even the best socialized dogs, who love the company of their own species, may meet some dogs they don’t get along with or enjoy being around. Knowing how to read your dog’s body language, and the ways they communicate with other dogs, can lead to more successful social experiences and help keep everyone safe when meeting potential new friends. Some dogs have preferences for certain play styles, feel more comfortable with dogs close to their size, or enjoy calm co-existence more than direct interaction.

Dogs need time to form strong relationships with each other, built on trust and positive experiences, to get along long-term. Learning how to read canine social signals, and learning the most species-appropriate ways to conduct dog-to-dog introductions, can lead to expansion in your dog’s social circle, while also helping them build trust in you to guide them safely through interactions with unknown dogs.

- Connect with me to learn more about dog training and canine social behavior! -

I have many years of professional experience in conducting dog-to-dog introductions, running dog playgroups, leading pack walks, and helping dogs improve their social skills. To learn more about options for virtual education on dog social behavior, or in-person behavior & training sessions, book a free Meet & Greet!


The Value of Pack Walks